You are KEY to sharing the good news of Jesus with the world!
We understand the importance of your privacy and security. We have made every effort and taken every precaution to partner with a firm that specializes in processing on-line giving for small churches such as First Baptist Church of Racine. Please understand that when you click below to give to First Baptist Church you will leave our site through a SECURE link to our partner PUSHPAY for processing.
Or you may prefer to give by using your smart phone;
in this case, simply text 
FBCRACINE   to   77977
If you’d like to send a gift by check or an international money order, please make your check or money order payable in USD to:
First Baptist Church Racine 
PO Box 340
Racine, Ohio 45771
Whichever way you choose to give, please know we are honored to partner with you and sincerely appreciate your willingness to partner with us and support our ministry and mission. We know real lives will be transformed by the love of Jesus, and because of your generous gift we’ll make an eternal impact together.